About Kalindi
“My passion is to live in a world where we are in harmony and balance with nature and each other, to experience the deepest level of divine unity and connection.”
Kalindi Jordan
I am an inspiring transformation therapist, teacher and facilitator, specialising in sexual healing, sacred intimacy and conscious relationship as a spiritual path.
My mission is to support intimate transformation so that we can all become more embodied, loving and conscious human beings.
Since a series of Kundalini awakenings, in my early 20s, I have a deep and unique perception and understanding of the human energy system, psychology and sexual nature.
I am an energy engineer and an alchemist of touch, unlocking the body, mind and energy, creating flow and facilitating change where the body has become blocked, stagnated or compromised by trauma, conditioning and belief.
I bring the understanding of how to use sexual energy to heal and remain vibrant and vital.
Since 1995 I have assisted thousands of people across the globe in their pursuit of sexual and spiritual healing, awakening and integration.
I am the founder of Sensual Mastery for Women, Amrita Tantra and Massage for Lovers Retreats.
About me
Having grown up in a science minded family, I love the relationships between intellect, anatomy, psychology, science, logic, combined with intuition, instinct, energy systems, the esoteric and the wildness of understanding all of this and yet knowing anything! I adore the paradox of the fullness and yet emptiness of basking in presence.
Between the ages of 18 and 26, I devoted myself to a rare stream of kundalini, shamanic, bhakti based meditation. This brought about many kundalini awakenings which took me into the awareness of human energetic systems and levels of consciousness that I, to this day, still have never come across in other esoteric teachings. Since then I have been exploring these energy systems in myself and others in fine detail. I have gained deep understanding of our physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, energy and deeper esoteric systems.
I incorporate my own discoveries with wisdom from the paths of Taoism, Tantra, Vedic mysticism, Bhakti, voice work, bodywork, psychology and meditation - being present with the vibrancy of life as it unfolds in the moment.
The skin on my upper body, head and face erupted and began weeping and shedding - it looked like I had leprosy. I had to stop work for several months and fell into despair, I thought my life was over! Bald, rashes and putting on weight! I was devastated and heartbroken that I had ‘let this happen’ to myself. I had to dig deep to find my deepest connection to source, where I, once again, discovered that I was safe and loved. My self love and compassion deepening, my skin healed and my confidence returned and is now flowing from an ever deepening place.
In 2020 my confidence was massively challenged when within 2 weeks, all of my body hair fell out! I was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis, an autoimmune disorder that there is little understanding about and no cure for. I had acupuncture, saw naturopaths and herbalists, took lots of herbs and nutrients to try to heal myself - unfortunately, my body went into massive healing crisis.
“ I am happy to truly know that beauty is an experience of being, not the way our bodies look “
Kalindi Jordan
So, what can I do? Well I am a qualified and skilful multi disciplined therapist - starting my training in 1993. I have trained in various forms of anatomy and physiology, bodywork and breath work. I’ve studied and explored trauma support, parts work, Taoism, Tantra, family constellations, inner child, coaching, pycho-sexual modeling, Kundalini, psychology, feminine presence. I have created modes of support from my own journey and gathered wisdom from thousands of hours of private sessions.
Having regular presence based psycho sexual therapy, parts work and supervision to support my work and personal journey of living in a conscious tantric relationship has been a vital part of my development.
Since 2010, I have worked specifically within the realm of sexual healing, working with thousands of people across the globe, has given me a wealth of wisdom and understanding around so many sexual arenas.
My partner, Pete and I have been together since January 2008, when life drew us together in India. We instantly opened to each other, sharing, pooling and synergising our talents and gifts.
Together we continue to create wonderful internal and external adventures – not all are comfortable but are always worth it. We both have grown up children from previous partners with whom we weave our lives – mostly in harmony and occasionally navigating the challenges that arise.
Our way is to always open to love, to celebrate each other following our passion and to encourage and support each other to meet those parts that sometimes shadow our love.
Together we are consciously living in love and share workshops, retreats and on-line programs in sacred sexuality, tantra, sexual healing, conscious touch and conscious communication.
Mother and Grandmother
There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one.
I have the wonderful privilege of being a mother to my son Nimai who was born in 1995. The journey of motherhood has been one of my greatest teachers. I am now also a grandmother with a beautiful granddaughter to love and cherish.
Meet the Team
Jolie Compton
Personal assistant and Sensual Mastery assistant
Jolie is a mother of two boys and has spent the last 15 years working with women and families as a birth doula and a mentor, developing her therapeutic skills including EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, and yoga nidra meditation for relaxation and healing. Jolie is a trained Counsellor and provides online counselling sessions.
Her website is: www.roarmojo.weebly.com
Jolie previously worked in client account management, events, marketing, web and graphic design, and brings a blend of skills along with heart and practicality to this support role. Jolie can be contacted on kalindijordanpa@gmail.com
Pete Warnock
Master bodyworker, breath worker, emotional alchemist and sacred sexuality facilitator.
I believe that at some point most women need to receive the reflection and clear energy from a man in his true masculine energy. To have the opportunity to work with the polarity that is created with a safe man in a conscious and held way is deeply healing and, I believe, highly beneficial if not necessary for many women. My partner, Pete, offers this in his 1 to 1 sacred bodywork sessions.
Peter is an inspirational teacher and therapist. He has trained in a wide range of areas of the healing arts since 1992 including various styles of massage & bodywork, de-armouring, breath-work, energy work, meditation, Tantra, chi kung, parts work and emotional intelligence.
His sessions also work as individual trainings, teaching one how to tune in to ‘presence’ and listen throughout one’s body, beyond the mind to the silent knowingness beyond suffering. These ‘skills’ are invaluable, enabling one to deal with whatever life brings with clarity and compassion and bringing one into greater harmony with life. He is a pioneer in breath work and what he calls emotional alchemy.
He practices and teaches internationally and is immersed in his own personal and spiritual unfoldment. He offers 1-1s, group facilitation and has 2 powerful online breath work training programs.

For People and Planet
We donate a percentage of our yearly income in supporting others to be supported and assisted to flourish in unfortunate situations as well as supporting the health of the planet through our % for People and Planet commitment.
Wanting to say a huge thank you to everyone I work with either individually or as a group.
A percentage of each session I have given and every group held, has supported :
@Treesisters – to plant 740 trees a year!
@Greenpeace – Fighting for the love of this planet
@Tulsi Trust – A school and hospital in central remote India
@Unseen – supporting people who have been exposed to human trafficking
@Somerset Wild Life – My local patch of land on this planet
@Wateraid – Spreading the love of clean water