Amrita Couples
Tantra Programme
Unlocking deeper connection in loving conscious relationship
Live online - in the comfort of your own home

All relationships need tending just like a garden, we can plant many seeds in the garden of our relationship some produce such wonderful fruits and flowers that as a couple we can both enjoy but some end up consuming and strangling the life and energy from the relationship. We need to pay attention and weed the garden of our love.
“ I love myself, I love you. I love you, I love myself ”
- Rumi
Communication has become mundane and uninspiring?
You feel you need new energy within your relating?
You are not feeling seen or met by your lover?
You are not giving or receiving the touch you desire?
Arguments and miscommunication are dampening your love for each other?
Do you long to spend hours exploring fulfilling, sensual and tender love making?
Do you want juicy, passionate, mind-blowing sex?
As a group of couples we will gather live online. A couples exploration/ learning – 8pm to 10pm. In the comfort of your home.
We will be sharing a blend of embodied practices, sexual exploration, reflective enquiry, somatic investigation, learning and processes to explore together over the coming months.
Throughout the months, we will be covering a different theme of relationship. Helping you enhance every aspect of your expression of love together.
As a tribe of couples, we learn so much from each others journeys, things others have tried, perceptions they share and caring compassion. All growing and creating together ” What is conscious relating! “
Pete and Kalindi
Welcome! We are your hosts, Kalindi and Pete – We have been together as lovers for 16 years – we are explorers, adventurers of love and self enquiry. It has not always been easy, we have faced many challenges but we experience with effort, exploration and turning back to love, we deepen our pleasure and still experience mind blowing sex together! We are lovers of touch, conscious awareness, tantra, energy and making love a practice for every moment. We want to share with you ways that have been in service to our relationship.
“When you pick a partner, you pick a story.
So what kind of story are you going to write?”

We gather as a group on zoom – 8pm to 10pm
These sessions will have a blend of conversations, embodied practices, of screen touch exploration, reflective enquiry, somatic investigation, sexual learning, Q and A sessions and processes to explore together over the coming month.
Home practices will be shared for you both to explore.
Everything will be recorded and added to a members area, just incase you miss it or want to go back over the journey.
Private optional WhatsApp group for on going sharing.
A variety of resources to support your love relationship.
This transformational journey is for you if you are :
With someone you really want to be with and are committed to the process of love.
You want to be in a consciously aware relationship.
Ready to stop blaming the other.
Ready to be radically honest with yourself.
A readiness to see each other with fresh new eyes.
This is not for you if :
You are not ready to look at yourself.
You are un-willing to let go of past hurts.
You want someone else to fix it!
You believe that it is too hard to rekindle love.
This is a couples-only program. You must have a partner to en-roll.
Same sex partnerships welcome.
Non binary partnerships welcome – although we may need to use the terminology of male and female to describe some themes or genitalia focused practices. Please bare with us its a new and evolving learning for everyone!
Single participants with pre-established practice partners are welcome.
8pm to 10pm
When: 2024
Wednesday 19th March
Wednesday 2nd April
Wednesday 16th April
Wednesday 30th AprilWednesday 14th May
Wednesday 28th MayAs we all have experienced much more lately that life habits twists and turns. I believe we have become more flexible and aware that change is sometimes necessary due to un foreseen circumstances. We may have to change a few dates as the months unfold but we will try not to unless it is absolutely necessary due to unforeseen life events.
Investment :
£580 per couple ( Includes 20% VAT )
Includes optional weekly check in
Instalment plans available, please ask.
REFUND POLICYThis programme is non-refundable and non-transferable unless you notify us in writing at least 30 days prior to the program start date. If you notify us within this time frame, there will be a £75 administrative and transaction fee deducted from your total refund. No refunds are given once the course has started.
The course recording and resources will be available through 3 years after the completion of the program.
Yes! During the live group practice calls, you can be put in a break out room together to explore. Some of the more physical processes will have to be saved for when you are in person again.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Get in touch.
If you want to find out more please book a free phone consultation or send us any email questions.