A three session in person ritual of touch

Location : The Warren, Near Frome, Somerset. UK

This is a committed in person closed group of women willing to give and receive touch, to explore growing in body confidence, to take a breath out together as women.


I feel inspired to create a space where women can come to explore touch that is about learning to give and receive with the skill of presence, consent, skill and eros. Through the process of ritual, observation, touch, dialogue and community. I want to invite the naturalness and comfort of nudity, to invite deep loving relationship with ones body.

Being able to safely explore communication with ones self and others. My plan is to step in to see what the constellation of women brings and where the group yearns to grow and explore. The potential of where touch and exploration goes will be co created, sensuality, sexuality, vulnerability, curiosity and  energy.

Inviting connection to your inner safety and within this circle exploring your edges, journeying through a conscious opening and sharing together our inner insights. 

To touch, to laugh, to share, to respect, feel seen and cherished in our naturalness. Together we co create what we need to drop into being and feeling honoured…



    This first session explores your relationship with your body and touch, settling into the circle together. Igniting the spark of change in learning to fully receive. Opening to rituals of touch, boundaries and inner listening.



    How do you truly receive, and how do you receive while giving? What are you devoted to? Where does your arrow of inner connection land—rewiring your narrative around sensation and touch?



    Desires, surrender, wild abandon, permission—saying YES to yourself and your unfolding expression. Embracing your energy flow. How to bring this alive in your everyday—letting the ripples expand.



    ONLINE – A one-hour check-in, two weeks after the last session, to reflect on what has awakened and how the ripples of change continue to shine. The Glimmer, Shimmer, Ripples and how to keep them shining.

This is a chance to explore the joys and fears of embracing your sexuality as a woman. It's an invitation to connect with your receptive nature, to laugh, to learn, to touch and be touched.

Event Information

  • Details

    Dates : Thursday 15th, 22nd and 29th May 2025

    Time : 7pm to 9.30pm

    Venue : The Warren, Near Frome, Somerset, UK

    Cost : Price £180 ( Includes 20% VAT )

  • Sessions

    Session One - Glimmer

    Session Two - Shimmer

    Session Three - Ripples

    Session Four - Shine - Online after check in - Tuesday 10th June - 7pm to 8pm

  • Things to Bring

    Blankets / Towel / Sarong to make a comfortable nest

    A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one

    One or two pillows for sitting / back rest

    Massage oil of your choice

    Herbal teas provided.

Other Information

You will need to be willing to give and receive touch throughout the evenings - within your moment to moment boundaries.

There will be an invitation to nakedness - you choose your level of comfort.

There are no have too’s within the explorations, just the opportunity to learn about yourself and grow.

A maximum of 15 women.

Join me at Shimmer