Yoni Healing, the Deep Art of Somatic Transformation

Yoni is a Sanskrit name for the womb, uterus, vagina and vulva

I am an artist with subtle energy. I follow the often hidden voices of your muscles, nerves, emotions and energy lines. Inviting the natural healing ability of your body to start to take place, to open to let go, with both our focus, intention and love. I feel it is sad that within the evolution of man and woman we have along the way created elements of negative reflection towards our beautiful bodies, for woman this is especially towards our Vaginas. It is easy to see why, when we journey back through history and witness the mixture of mistreatment, misunderstanding and ignorance that has been inflicted upon her by others and woman herself.

Luckily also within our past history is the reverence and sacred honouring within cultures that has also left reflections within us. I personally feel it is time we emphasise and rekindle this honouring, re awakening the forgotten knowledge that our bodies have always carried, the joy and vibrancy that being deeply in tune, deeply in trust, deeply in relationship with our sexual nature can bring. Part of this remembering is connecting with the parts within us that still cling to the story of shame, still cling to the story of abuse, still cling to the memory of shattered dreams. It is time to let it go so a new fruitfulness can emerge. In my world of understanding what negativity comes in through the body must leave through the body, what comes in through the mind needs to come out through the mind, what comes through emotion comes back out through emotion.

For me Yoni ( vagina ) healing is an opportunity to listen to her past story, to witness the shedding of layers that she no longer needs to carry, an invitation to let go on all levels – time to end the story of pain – here and now. I practice the sacred art of Yoni healing which brings women back in touch with the simple beauty of their Yoni.

There are more nerve endings in the Yoni than in any other part in the body and these nerve endings are there for you to feel the myriad of sensations of pleasure of your creative centre. The body stores echoes of memories and holding, in the tissues and nerves. I am blessed to experience the privilege of assisting woman in releasing anything stored on a physical,energetic, emotional and psychological level.


What Yoni Healing Entails

Often Yoni healing is part of a journey of sessions with me, but not always. Yoni massage needs a connection of safety and sometimes first we need to work on layers of resistance, there is no rush.

For some the readiness is ripe and it can be on first meeting together.

The session is 3 hours long.

We start with talking and sharing your sexual story as this is important to heard and seen, it also awakens connection and neural pathways through the body.

I massage and connect with the whole body to create relaxation but also to start navigating the potential holding with your body.

Using breath, sound, attention and energy awareness, I guide you to witness the natural healing and release process that your body can achieve.

Before approaching the yoni she will always be checked in with first.

I am an artist with subtle energy. I follow the often hidden voices of your muscles, nerves, emotions and energy lines. Inviting the natural healing ability of your body to start to take place, to open to let go, with both our focus, intention and love.

Every session is so different and unique it is heard to describe.

I share on going support that you can do with yourself from the insights that come from the session.

I also teach self yoni massage techniques that are also highly important to our healing and to deepen our connection to pleasure.

If you would like your partner to learn a beautiful healing Yoni massage and also how to massage your partner. To also be able to support each other along a healing journey, come and join us on one of our Massage for lovers retreats.

Please connect with me if you would like more information on Yoni Healing.

Copyright Kalindi Jordan. All Rights Reserved.


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